Example of a Mobility Clause in Employment Contract

A mobility clause is a common feature found in many employment contracts. This clause grants an employer the right to move an employee to a different location as and when required. However, it is crucial to understand the terms and conditions of a mobility clause before signing an employment contract.

Let us consider an example of a mobility clause in an employment contract:

„Mobility: You may be required to work at any location of the company or its subsidiaries as deemed necessary by the employer. The employer will provide reasonable notice before implementing such a change. The employee will be responsible for their transportation and accommodation costs unless stated otherwise in writing by the employer.“

In this example, the mobility clause allows the employer to move the employee to any location of their choice. However, the employer must provide reasonable notice before implementing the change. This provision ensures that the employee gets adequate time to make necessary arrangements before moving.

The clause also specifies that the employee is responsible for their transportation and accommodation costs unless stated otherwise in writing by the employer. This means that the employer may cover all or a part of the employee`s costs involved in moving.

It is essential to note that a mobility clause should be fair to both the employee and the employer. The employer should have a valid reason for relocating the employee, and the employee should be compensated adequately for any additional costs incurred. Moreover, the employer must provide appropriate notice before implementing any changes to the employee`s work location.

In conclusion, a mobility clause is a critical feature of an employment contract that allows an employer to relocate an employee to a different location as deemed necessary. However, it is crucial to understand the terms and conditions of the clause before signing the contract. Employees must ensure that the clause is fair and reasonable and that the employer provides adequate notice and compensation for any additional costs incurred.